Photo: Francisco Graciano

Photo: Francisco Graciano


When I learned I was positive for the BRCA genetic mutation, predisposing me to a myriad of cancers (including but not limited to, pancreatic, ovarian and breast cancers), it started me on a fast and furious quest for knowledge, which quickly turned into a passion to help others navigate their way through the, oftentimes exceptionally challenging, world of BRCA. I became a mentor, a reasearch advocate, and speaker, advocating for quality of life for both survivors and previvors, and helping to raise funds for genetic cancer research. I’m currently involved with organizations including FORCE, Bright Pink, Discovery To Cure, Imerman Angels and The Basser Center. 

I have have undergone both a preventative mastectomy with reconstruction, and a preventative oophorectomy, which put me into surgical menopause in my 30’s. The years it took me to regain my sense of self, and the struggle to balance my physical chemistry, led me to become a mentor to hundreds of women going through their own preventative surgeries and subsequent recoveries.

It becomes increasingly more important to be an advocate for your own health.

Available to speak publicly and privately on BRCA related topics, and my own experiences.

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